Chapter 7: Eviction Notices and Ego
As the success of Ethan's bakery continues to grow, he and Sophia find themselves facing a new challenge. The landlord of the building where Ethan's bakery is located has decided to sell the property, and they have received an eviction notice. Ethan is devastated, as he has put so much time and effort into building his business. He knows that finding a new location will be difficult, and he is worried about the impact it will have on his customers and his bottom line.
Sophia, on the other hand, sees this as an opportunity for Ethan to expand his business. She suggests that they look for a larger space in a more upscale neighborhood, where they can attract a more affluent clientele. Ethan is hesitant at first, as he is worried about the cost and the risk of moving to a new location. However, Sophia is persuasive, and he eventually agrees to look into it.